Architecture | lattitude

The character and aesthetics of the Latitude building aim to fit within the “desired future character” of the area by confirming the importance of the Corrimal and Market Street intersection through a strong street frontage and similar height to existing and proposed buildings at that location. The building also steps down in height to lower adjacent buildings and the Illawarra Museum. This promotes an active streetscape and retains the view corridors that are a significant part of Wollongong’s character.

The building has been designed as three main elements – base, middle and top element. The corner has been strengthened by two main blades which intersect to form the encompassing envelope.

The corner element is highly visible along both Corrimal and Market Streets and their primary view corridors to provide a strong rectilinear geometry that embraces the corner and reinforces the space.

The elevations show both vertical and horizontal articulation that breaks up the building’s mass and scale. There are horizontal elements created by the stepping of the height and a continuous awning around the base of the building that emphasises and separates the commercial space on the ground floor from the residential above.